Batch Orders

Batching orders is a great tool to use when you need to group any number of orders for export or do a quick status update.

Follow the steps below to create a new batch of orders: 

Batch orders by navigating to the Orders menu tab ➡️ Batch Orders.

You will come to a page that has all current Order Batches listed. Create a new Batch by clicking "Add Batch" in the bottom corner of the page. 

By selecting "Add Batch" you will then be brought to a page where you can define filters.

Filters include:

  • Ordered, Verified, or Shipped Date. 
  • Order Status
  • Order Tags, including if the order HAS the tags, has ALL of the tags, or has NONE of the tags. 

After filtering down the orders you can check any orders you wish to include in your batch, or select all, before completing and running the "Batch Options" section.

In the Batch Options, you can choose to update a labor process or select an exporter and batch an export file from every order included in the batch. You can also do both with one action! 

This is a great way to mass-update multiple orders' order status if your labor process is set to Auto-Update to a new order status. 
