1. Allmoxy
  2. Shop Floor Operations

Batching orders

Batching Orders in Allmoxy is a simple process!

Batch orders are great for when you need to group together any number of orders for export or do a quick status update.

Here's how:

Batch orders by navigating to the Orders> Batch Orders, and then selecting Batch Orders. 

You will come to a page that has all current Order Batches. Create a new Batch by clicking "Add Batch" in the bottom corner of the page. 

 By selecting "Add Batch" you will then be brought to a page where you can search and filter the same way that you would on an order page, after filtering the orders you can check any orders you wish to include in your batch before completing and running the "Batch Options" section. When you have selected your orders to include, and completed the fields, select Export Now. To export this new Order Batch! image.png