Company Tags

Adding tags to a company can be incredibly useful for a variety of reasons. Whether you want to offer a special discount to a specific group of companies, limit access to a certain product, or even provide a unique output page for select customers, tagging is a versatile solution to company management.

To add a tag to a company:

  1. Navigate to the company's page and edit "Tags" in the sidebar, (Alternatively, hover over the company's name in the directory and select "Tags" for quick edits!)
  2. Type in and select an existing tag or create a new one by entering the new tag followed by a comma.
  3. Now you can easily sort companies by Tags, or create Triggers using the appropriate Tags!


If you want to make an individual product exclusive to a certain group of customers, go to the product and use the company tag you've created to make that product exclusive to only that group of customers! You can also do this on the category level so the category is only visible to customers with the corresponding tag.


Edit or Delete Tags:

Here's how to edit a tag if you make a mistake or need to delete an unnecessary tag.

Go to your Settings > Site Maintenance.

Keep in mind that tags are used to initiate triggers and follow certain metrics you have set up to track your business. Make sure the tag you want to change or delete is not attached to those important triggers that keep your day running smoothly!