I offer dealers an exclusive price that isn't a percentage discount.

Allmoxy has an easy fix for discounting pricing, but what if you just offer a different rate? (not a % discount) Here's what you should do:

You will want to clone the products you want to offer to your dealers at a different price. Just go to the product and select "Clone this product" It will automatically take you to the "Copy of ___________" with all of the same settings the original product has.

Cloned Product.Screenshot

From here I would rename the Product to "Dealer Exclusive: _______ " or whatever will help you know this product is different from the original.

Then go to the pricing tab, change the pricing.

Last, you want to make your product exclusive to just the customers you're offering the special pricing to. Use this article: https://articles.allmoxy.com/knowledge/creating-categories-and-products-that-are-customer-exclusive to do that!