Understand the Different Types of Product Attributes

Review the different types of attributes that you can add to a product in your custom catalog.

There are five different attribute styles: 
  • Number
  • Select 
  • Boolean (Checkbox)
  • Text
  • Paragraph


A number field requires an integer input. You can set minimum and maximums, and you can determine the precision of these inputs (the nearest 1/16th of an inch or the nearest milimeter, for example)

If you want a dropdown selection for customers to choose from, create a Select-style attribute.  This will allow you to create a CSV table of options with associated parameters. This option is great for things like materials, colors, finishes, hinge drilling, etc. 

Boolean attributes give your customer the option to check for yes, or leave unchecked for no. These are great for confirmations/approvals or for simple options. 

The Text style attribute allows your customer to input a small custom text. Customers use this if they offer custom paint and want the customer to supply the paint color code. 

Use the Paragraph Attribute as a Comments section: 
You can do that by creating an attribute (Settings -> E-Commerce -> Product Attributes), and then choosing 'paragraph' for the 'Attribute Type'. To make the Comment section as wide as your order page, set your Order Page Width & Output Page Width to 105.
