Editing a Timecard Entry

You’ll want to go to Financial ($) -> Timecard Management

This will allow you to enter a date range and pull up previous time cards.

Enter a date range and select an employee. To edit the time-punch, you’ll hover over that punch and click on the pencil icon on the right side of it.

To add a missed day:
Create an entry from the employee's home page by clicking on the "edit entry" button just choose the day and use the right time then click save.

Note: Think of the decimals on the Time Card totals as a percentage of an hour. For example, 0.8 is 80% of one hour, which is 48 minutes. So if a time card is saying 59.80, that is equavalent to 59 hours and 48 minutes. [You can calculate this: 60x0.8=48 minutes.]