Aging Report shows you, by company, how many days past due each account is. Totals are listed at the bottom of the report for each range of past due dates in dollars. You can search by company name, or use tags to filter your results. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Average Payment Days:
The Average Payment Days report shows you the average amount of time between the charge date of orders and the last transaction that paid them off. Any orders that have been charged but still not paid off has its last date set to today, and will increment until it is completely paid off. It also shows you the total invoice amount considered in the timeframe selected.
The collections report shows key indicators of problem areas in your collections efforts. You can filter the report by customer, and sort by a myriad of other data.
Employee Timecards:
Employee Timecards lists the hours, wage, and pay received from each of your employees that are clocking in and out of your instance daily. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the "Export as CSV" button at the top.
Click on a row to view extra data for a single employee, or check the box labeled "Expand Extra Data" to expand data for all employees. Note that the Printable PDF will contain whichever extra data is displayed.
Invoices shows a list of every invoice in your instance. This includes Orders, Finance Charges, and Credit Memos. The report also shows the order number, company, order type, order name, ordered date, total ordered amount, and total amount paid. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Material Cost By Customer:
This report shows you which customers are your highest/lowest margin customers based on the material used versus the subtotal of the invoices. It measures the sub-totals of all the orders in the filtered range and reports the total, the total for the materials (supplies) that were allocated to that order, and then takes the difference of these two numbers, and divides by the total sales on the orders to report the margin.
Material Cost By Product:
This report shows you which product lines are your highest/lowest margin products based on the material used versus the subtotal of the invoices. It measures the sub-totals of all the orders in the filtered range and reports the total, the total for the materials (supplies) that were allocated to that order, and then takes the difference of these two numbers, and divides by the total sales on the orders to report the margin.
Purchase Orders:
Purchase Orders lists every purchase order that’s been sent out by your instance to your vendors. It lists all relevant information to that purchase order, including order number, vendor, and the item you ordered. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can filter your results by item name or vendor name. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Remote Receipts:
Remote Receipts shows you the payments made to each company. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can select which customer you’d like to view payments to. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Sales By Attribute:
Sales by Attribute shows you how much of your sales are coming from specific attributes in your products. It lists the attribute options, item quantity, percent of items, and sales in dollars. For example, you can find out how much of your sales are coming from the Maple selection in your Wood Type attribute. It also lists a total at the bottom of the report for percent and sales in dollars. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can select which attribute you’d like to view sales data from. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Click on a row to view extra data for a single attribute, or check the box labeled “Expand Extra Data” to expand data for all attributes. Note that the Printable PDF will contain whichever extra data is displayed.
Sales By Customer:
Sales by Customer shows you which customers have ordered most and in which months they did so. It’s defaulted to show data from the previous year-to-date. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Sales By Export Class:
Sales by Export Class shows you how much of your sales are coming from each export class in your products. Export Class is determined by the product (Settings -> Catalog -> Products). The report lists the export class of the product, customer name, total amount in dollars, average amount in dollars, total pieces, and average pieces. It also lists totals at the bottom of each section detail total dollar amount, average dollar amount, total pieces, and average pieces. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Click on a row to view extra data for a single customer, or check the box labeled “Expand Extra Data” to expand data for all customers. Note that the Printable PDF will contain whichever extra data is displayed.
Sales By Product:
Sales by Product shows you how much of your sales are coming from each product. It includes the quantity of product sold, percentage of total items, and total sales for each product in dollars. It also lists totals at the bottom of the report for percentage and sales in dollars. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Click on a row to view extra data for a single product, or check the box labeled “Expand Extra Data” to expand data for all products. Note that the Printable PDF will contain whichever extra data is displayed.
Sales By Product and Attribute:
Sales by Product and Attribute shows you how much of your sales are coming from specific attributes in your products. It lists the attribute options, item quantity, percent of items, and sales in dollars. For example, you can find out how much of your sales are coming from the Maple selection in your Wood Type attribute for each product. It also lists a total at the bottom of the each product, and a grand total at the bottom of the report for percent and sales in dollars. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can select which attribute you’d like to view sales data from. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Click on a row to view extra data for a single attribute, or check the box labeled “Expand Extra Data” to expand data for all attributes. Note that the Printable PDF will contain whichever extra data is displayed.
Sales Tax:
The Sales Tax report shows you the export class, tax code, and tax amount for each item on shipped orders in your system. You can use the date range, state checkboxes and taxable/not taxable filters to narrow your search. This report may have a lot of info, so if include too many options it may take a moment to load. You can also export this report as a CSV for use with other software.
Transaction History:
Transactions lists any payment/credit memo made for each company in your instance. It lists the date the payment was made, the company it was made for, payment type, and payment amount. You can undo an incorrect payment by clicking the undo button to the right of the payment in question. It also lists a total amount in dollars at the bottom of the report. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can filter your results by company name or payment amount. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the "Export as CSV" button at the top.
Click on a row to view extra data for a single transaction, or check the box labeled "Expand Extra Data" to expand data for all transactions. Note that the Printable PDF will contain whichever extra data is displayed.