Activity Logs:
The activity report shows you who has been creating, modifying, and deleting records, such as orders, products, supplies, etc. The report shows you when records were changed and by whom, but it cannot specify which properties were changed as that information is not available (unless the property happens to be a subordinate record).
When possible, the report will try to display a sample of information describing the altered record (in its current state) and provide a link to the web page relevant to the altered record.
Email Logs:
The Email report shows you all emails that have been sent from the system, whether that's triggers or any other automations that are emailed from the system, you can look up emails by who the email was sent to as well as the subject of the email.
Announcements shows a list of all announcements that have been made in your instance. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Current Inventory:
Current Inventory shows you all items that are currently stocked in your inventory. It includes supply information, such as item name, supply location(s), quantity in stock, price per item, and total amount in stock (quantity in stock x price per item = total amount in stock). You can use the supply locations to filter your results. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Inventory In Use:
The inventory in use report will give you a snapshot of all inventory attached to orders for the selected status.
Inventory Usage:
Inventory Usage lists items in your inventory as well as the quantity you’ve used, average price per item, and total cost per item used (quantity used x average price per item = total cost per item used). You can use the date range to filter your results. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Order Results Comparison:
Order Results Comparison Report shows you the profit margin from your orders. It lists the order number, cost of supplies, cost of labor, total cost (supplies + labor = total cost), invoice amount, and margin (invoice amount - total cost = margin). This report uses data from labor tracked to each order as well as supplies checked out for each order. You can use the date range to filter your results. The date range filter uses date ordered. You can use the order statuses to filter your results. The order status uses the current status. You can use the tag box to filter your results using order tags. You can also sort each column in the report using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the "Export as CSV" button at the top.
Projection Report:
Projection Report allows you to look ahead and view orders that are scheduled in the coming weeks or months. It also gives you a per-day look at your work schedule. This allows you to plan ahead for extra labor or materials or to print and view a week long work schedule. The report lists the date the order is expected to ship, customer name, delivery method, order number, order date, order status, number of pieces, and total in dollars. It also lists a grand total of pieces and dollars at the bottom of each work day. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can filter by delivery method. You can also use the order statuses filter to filter your results. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Click on a row to view extra data for a single order, or check the box labeled "Expand Extra Data" to expand data for all orders. Note that the Printable PDF will contain whichever extra data is displayed.
Received Supplies:
Received Supplies shows you a list of purchase orders for supplies that you have placed AND received. It lists the date the order was placed, the date the order was received, the purchase order number, the supply location, the part number, the item name, the quantity ordered, and the price per item. It also lists a grand total at the bottom of the report in dollars. You can use the date range to filter your results. You can also sort each column in the report by using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the "Export as CSV" button at the top.
Tasks Report:
Tasks show what tasks are assigned to whom, when they are due, and when the were completed. About indicates which company, contact, or order a task is attached to. You can filter results by Date Range, About (Company, Contact, or Order Name), Completion Status, or Assignee. You can sort the columns in the report using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.
Time Tracking:
Time Tracking lists each order in your inventory and the employee who has tracked hours to that order, including which process they tracked and the amount of hours they were clocked into that process. It also has a grand total at the bottom of the report in hours. You can use the filters on the sidebar to filter your results by order number, employee name, or order status. You must be using the Time Tracking feature to utilize this report. You can sort most columns in the report using the column header arrow icons. You can export the data from this report for use with other software. Just click the “Export as CSV” button at the top.