Notes, Announcements, and Tasks

A quick overview of notes, announcements, and tasks to automate day-to-day processes in Allmoxy.


Notes can be added to orders via the sidebar, to companies, and to contacts for any extra info you want to note! Hover over a company name or contact name in the Companies list page and select Add Note in the pop-up menu. You can also control the visibility of the notes, for anyone, just people in your company, or private (visible to any employees with permission to View/Modify private data)

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These can be used for sending a message to large groups of people.  To create a new announcement, click on the +. Click on the bell icon to view existing announcements. A red badge will appear and the bell will shake when a new announcement needs to be viewed. 
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If you need to edit or delete an announcement you created, go to Reports > Managerial > Announcements. Here you can amend or remove any announcements that you published. 


These are great for employees whose daily tasks are dictated by other things happening first, especially because you can use triggers to create tasks. For example, a new order is placed and you want your office staff to verify the order so that it can be sent to people on the shop floor - you can set up a triggered task that will pop up for that employee as soon as that order is placed. Use tasks to improve and tighten your workflow!

Tasks show up on the side panel dashboard and not on the top of your pages like Announcements do.

Utilize the Tasks Report to view all tasks in the system, the assignee for each task, the status of each task, and the content of the task. 

Employees must have the "View Task Report" permission checked to view this report. 

To create a new Note, Announcement, or Task:

Click on the + in the top left of the screen! 
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