Here are a couple of things to keep in mind when double-checking a tax rate.
First, if you're fairly new to using Allmoxy, make sure you have the correct zip code set on your shipping page for "Ship from/Will Call Zip" (Settings -> Operations -> Shipping).
Second, double-check your Financial Settings page (Settings -> Financial) to make sure you have all your possible "sales tax presence" states/regions selected.
Third, make sure the customer doesn't have a custom tax rate set in their settings - if they do that will always override the tax rate on any of their orders, regardless of where it's being shipped to or from.
Fourth, make sure the shipping address on the order is valid.
There's ONE more thing to note about your "Ship from/Will Call Zip" This is the zip code used to calculate your will call orders' tax rate. Sometimes the zip code covers multiple cities with different tax rates. If your order isn't calculating tax correctly, you might need to change this zip code to one that is exclusive to your city.
Here are a few things to check if you're in Canada:
First of all make sure that in your financial settings, you have the provinces of all the customers you sell to as well, not just the ones you sell FROM. You can do this by going to Settings > Financial and then Selecting every area that you need to activate the Sales Tax.
Next check these two settings:
1. the zip codes when they're entered into Allmoxy need to have the space between the two parts (T5T 3Y4 rather than T5T3Y4).
2. you'll need to go to your shipping page (Settings -> operations -> Shipping) and enter your "ship from/will call" zip (in that same format as I mentioned) so that it knows where the order is coming from.
If that's all correct and you're still not sure then feel free to chat with us and we'll make sure it's working!